
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kelly Rowland's Alter Ego

And here is more DC news. Destiny's Child will be getting back together to record another album. Here are a few of Kelly Rowland's promo pictures that may be used for the cd's booklet. Also, she is the latest celeb to pose for Derek Blanks’ celebrity Alter Ego shoot. You might remember his work from the The Real Housewives of ATL. For her alter ego, Kelly takes on both the roles of Rosie The Riveter and a Pin-Up girl.

Kelly Rowland+Derek

Kelly Rowland+Derek

Kelly Rowland+Derek

Kelly Rowland+Derek

Kelly Rowland+Derek

1 comment:

  1. "Knock em out the box" ur blog iz way batter then minez I must admit, as for this post I to think that DC should come baq together even tho they all have been doing there own thing by them self's. But as a group that's how der carrer got to were its at now, so going baq to a group is most def approved by the Tox lol.

