
Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Sweet Blog Award

It's been a while since I got one of these and that is why I am so grateful and happy that Chic Stylista passed on this award to me. You really must check out her blog, it's so fun to read and her sense of style is amazing! Thanks again hun! And also, thanks to everyone who continues to visit my blog, leave comments, and decides to follow.
Now Here Are The Rules:
♥ give this award to 10 sweets bloggers

♥ make a post about this award including the picture
and mention the person who gave it to you

♥ put the award on your blog

♥ let your nominated 10 know you've awarded
them by leaving a comment

Therefore, Here Are the Blogs I Want to Pass This On To:


  1. Congrats on the blog Hun!!! I love reading ur post and following ur blog !!!

  2. thank you so much for the award my dear you have the greatest blog!!
