
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Style Watch: James Franco & Anne Hathaway

I cannot wait to see James Franco & Anne Hathaway host the Oscars tomorrow. I am not even all that interested in watching big award ceremonies but I am very excited to see this one! I guess their ploy to bring in a younger audience is really working. For the last couple of weeks that's all I have been hearing about is James Franco & Anne Hathaway taking the stage. But as much as I love her...I am a bit jealous to see her interacting so much with my number one crush. Even though this award show is only for one night, I know people will be talking about it for a while! Will you be watching, or are you only interested in the Red Carpet?

1 comment:

  1. They have a chemistry both are first timer hosting a big event. They definitely enjoying the show. It should be a fun time with Franco hosting! He’s one of the best actors of our generation and Anne is a great actress. Think it's probably because both of them seem to be very popular at the moment and on the young side. Trying to attract a different type of audience.
