
Style Watch: Brad, Brad World

1:31 AM

I cannot even begin to tell you guys how excited I am that this show is finally, finally premiering tomorrow night! The promo for It's A Brad, Brad World has been playing non-stop on Bravo lately and I get more and more excited each time the commercial airs. So if you're a fan of Brad check out the show tomorrow! At first I was disappointed to see him leave the Rachel Zoe Project but I'm curious to see if he can hold a show on his own. And if you're not familiar with Mr. Bow-Tie Brad and his style, you can check out some of his best looks from over the years.

You left working for Rachel Zoe to break out on your own as a stylist. It's a pretty big undertaking. Had you thought about establishing yourself in the field before letting the cameras follow you? 
Well, you know, initially I didn't want to. I wanted to focus on getting my portfolio together, which I did. About six months after I went out on my own, I got a lot of emails about meeting with people and such.  I initially wanted to do a makeover show. Then, when I met with Shed Media, the production company for the show, they loved the idea of a makeover show, but they thought what people liked so much about me on Rachel show was me going through my firsts — my first Oscars, my first triumphs, my first failures. We decided that it was an exciting time in my life and that it might be interesting and worthwhile to continue letting people see what I was up to. We thought it would be interesting to show somebody who was not necessarily at the top of their game but was climbing their way to get there and the struggles that entails. Also, I was very much interested in showing the complete other side of my life, which is my personal life and my family life — aspects they weren't introduced to on Rachel's show.--LA Times

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