
Happy Birthday!

khloe 4:29 PM
There is so much that I want to blog about right now but it is my Birthday and I am going to take a little break and go out and celebrate! But I wanted to post these pictures first. I really loved this shoot Kim Kardashian and her sisters did for Famous Cupcakes a while ago on their show and I thought the...

Look Of The Day

bebe 11:54 PM
It's no secret that I love Kim's style and I just thought this outfit was so cute. I like how she mixed the patterns and textures and completely made it work. It's not too matchy matchy and it's really simple, but still looks great. But what I love most about it, is that it's something I can actually purchase for myself! The skirt is...

Christina Aguilera: Not Myself Tonight Premiere!

Christina Aguilera 11:41 PM
Here is a complete look at Christina Aguilera's new music video. It was supposed to premiere tomorrow but it looks like it got leaked a bit early. What do you think? It's a bit raunchy and reminds me a little of her old Dirtty days but you can never really hate Christina! ...

Red Carpet Fashion: US Weekly Style Party

angela vanessa simmons 5:51 PM
Last week US Weekly magazine held their annual party for the Hot Hollywood Style Issue, where Jennifer Lopez was honored for the night. So many celebs hit the red carpet to help Jennifer Lopez celebrate being named as the Style Icon of the decade. I think US Weekly made the perfect choice! Take a look at everyone and their amazing outfits, for the...

Marie Claire Italia May 2010: Pt.I

fashion 3:01 PM
The moment I saw this spread I fell in love with it! It's beautiful right? And I love that white bustier, I want it! I'll be posting more photos from this issue of Marie Claire each spread was great. Model: Zuzana GregorovaPhotographer: Thierry Le Gouès Stylist: Ivana Spernicelli Source: Marie Claire Italy ...

Look Of The Day

actress 5:41 PM
Gabrielle Union at the Atlanta Ralph Lauren store where she co-hosted a shopping fundraiser with Ludacris. She just looks flawless and she keeps looking better & better these days. The neutral colors really look great on her and compliments both her hair a skin tone. Her whole look just seem effortless! ...

Guess Who?

actress 5:21 PM
This person is one of my big style icons and it's crazy to see her out in public in such a colorful strange wig! I will admit it is a cute cut though. ...

Gwen Stefani's Fashion Don't!

alessandra ambrosio 4:55 PM
I love Gwen Stefani -- it's kind of hard not to. I adore her style, her music and her fashion but she has got it all wrong with these white tights. And what makes it worse is that she consistently insist on wearing them! I really hope she lets this look go real soon. You should only wear these tights if you're a) a...

Style Watch: Whitney Port On Wendy

fashion 2:28 PM
Yesterday Whitney Port made an appearance on the Wendy Williams show where she talked about her new season of the City and also showed off her new line for Whitney Eve. She showed up looking just as stylish as always, but ditched her knit cropped-jacket for the taping and even changed into flat oxford shoes once exiting the show. Either way she looked great and kind...

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