
Get The Look...

7:48 PM

This weekend the Fuse music channel dedicated a day to Beyonce and her top music videos. Since I am a big fan I ended up watching for a while and it was good to catch some of her older and newer songs. It was kind of fun to see how much her style and look has transitioned throughout the years too. One of my favorite looks of hers' though is from the Telephone video with Lady Gaga. I love her makeup in the diner scene and it's definitely something I would like to try out for myself. The yellow eyeshadow is very different and bold, but perfect for the spring. And being that the video has become this huge pop culture icon, there were a ton of makeup tutorials out there to choose from.

After skimming through around 10 videos this one was my favorite. I will warn you though, the person is extremely "animated" and it's a bit hard to watch with a straight face. But they did a great job on the look and that's what counts. You can also watch another version here which is equally as nice...

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